Consumption tax should be reformed. Maybe we will buy disposable chopsticks and pay taxes later!
Have you heard about it? The next step in China’s tax reform will be to lock down the consumption tax. As early as before, there have...
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Have you heard about it? The next step in China’s tax reform will be to lock down the consumption tax. As early as before, there have...
Due to our Chinese eating habits, our usual tableware is chopsticks in normal times, and we will find chopsticks in some of China’s...
Chopsticks can be described as the "national quintessence" of China. Also known as "箸", but few people in China have known it, but this...
As we all know, the earth we live on is very large. On this planet, there are countless people living in different countries. Due to...
Going out to eat, are you used to using disinfection chopsticks in the restaurant or disposable chopsticks? why? Recently, the reporter...
The author of "Chopsticks: History of Culture and Culinary", Edward, a historian at Rowan University in New Jersey, said that Ji'an's...
Are you a fan of Asian cuisine? If so, you are probably using a chopstick set (or at least you want to do so)! Whether you want to know...
We use the disposable chopsticks given by the merchants for dinner or takeaway. These disposable chopsticks have been exposed to these...
Disposable chopsticks widely used by fast-food retailers used to be viewed as clean and convenient. But Professor Pang Jufeng, member of...
If you have accumulated a few sets of disposable chopsticks in your kitchen drawer* and are looking for ways to put them to good use,...
We normally unwrap takeout chopsticks, eat with them and dispose of them without much thought. Recently, though, there has been a small...
Xi'an - Disposable wooden chopsticks will be banned starting Dec 1 in restaurants in Shaanxi province, according to a Circular Economy...
As those of us with a knack for making frequent Chinese takeout orders can attest, surplus stock of disposable chopsticks can pile up in...
Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service. You can...
Over dinner the other night with a group of friends, I was talking about the excessive use of plastic bags in the world. I told them I...
Japanese people eat with chopsticks, and most chopsticks used in Japan are made of wood. Chopsticks are also used in South Korea, North...
Eighty billion pairs of disposable chopsticks are used (and thrown away) annually worldwide. Why have disposable chopsticks become so...
Chopsticks are an important component of Asian culture since they are the utensil of choice for meals, and the popularity of disposable...
Some Cheap Chopsticks Are Soaked in Toxic Chemicals Snapping apart those disposable, wooden chopsticks — and hoping that they break...
Most chopsticks are made in China, where several hundred manufacturers turn out 63 billion pairs annually. Many China chopsticks...